Do You Believe? / My Girl – Uncut Demo Session

Today I present to you an extremely rare audio document, specifically one of the earliest collaborations between the band and the amazing Lance Diamond. In 1989 the Goo Goo Dolls teamed up with the Buffalo, NY singer to record two songs for a Christmas compilation. They performed the song “Do You Believe?” and a cover of The Temptations, “My Girl“. While the latter was obviously not written by them, I am not 100% sure about the former, that is whether it was original material they wrote themselves or another cover. I did some research online and came up with no answer.

Anyway, the two songs were also released as a single in the same year, as per Discogs, and sold for homeless charity purposes in Buffalo, NY only.

What I am sharing with you today is an uncut demo session for those two songs. I believe this was one of the almost finished takes they recorded before the songs were given out for final mixing and mastering procedures. The final version of these tunes can be heard here.

You can listen to it below.

The download links below include the uncut demo, the final version of “Do You Believe In Him?“, and the instrumental take of the latter.

DOWNLOAD (Main Source)

DOWNLOAD (Mirror 1)

DOWNLOAD (Mirror 2)

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