Preservation Project

The Preservation Project (APP) focuses on the retention of all the Goo Goo Dolls material which is distributed through the Temple Of Goo, for the longest time possible.

Nothing lasts forever, but some things last longer than others. In the universe of World Wide Web, websites come and go, and with them their contents disappear as well. While it is not uncommon to find some (but oftentimes, not all) of those files from other sources, thanks to an individual’s foresightedness who created a copy of them and uploaded them somewhere else, most of the times the majority of a website’s goods are gone forever. They may resurface in the future, briefly or for extended times, but in many cases they do not.

APP is about preserving what the Temple Of Goo has gathered during its journey, so both older and newer fans won’t have to find themselves without a resource from which to obtain all of the amazing stuff our blog has offered them.

Whilst it is true that each downloadable file is already offered through three different hosting services, there is the tangible chance that in the future the latter won’t be available anymore. As a consequence, uploads may disappear into thin air, suddenly and inadvertently. That will likely NOT be the case with, the Internet’s biggest and most comprehensive digital library established in 1996. has many functions, including providing users from all over the world with the possibility to upload files which will be perpetually stored on their servers. After a long research into an online service which could offer the Temple Of Goo with the best shot at preserving its own files for the longest time, became the most logical choice.

Please notice that only the releases included in the Download category will be archived using’s technologies. The whole blog already has its own section within the Wayback Machine, hence the archiving of pictures is not needed as the latter already does it automatically from time to time.

To access Temple Of Goo’s profile, click on the logo below. In the Upload section you will find our digital archive, which is updated with new contents as soon as the latter become available on the blog.

APP wouldn’t be possible without our contributors’ precious help. Thanks to the bootlegs, videos, pictures, and information they have forwarded to us since our genesis, Temple Of Goo has now become a stable, trustworthy, and efficient source for all of the Goo Goo Dolls fans on the planet. Hopefully, APP will contribute to perpetuate such endeavor.

Below is a list of the archived posts which got deleted/removed due to Copyright Infringement (Updated to February 21st, 2024):