Blog News: YouTube Channel Switchover

Dear Temple Of Goo readers,

This is a notice to inform you all that I have decided to detach all of the Goo Goo Dolls material which has been uploaded to my main, personal YouTube Channel, switching it over to a brand-new one.

All of the videos uploaded on the former will be transferred to the new channel, named… well, you guessed it… Temple Of Goo. The entirety of the Goo Goo Dolls-related material present on the Liechtenstein1993 channel will be set on private, and will not be accessible anymore. I will also edit all of the blog posts featuring embedded videos coming from the original channel with the updated links from the new one.

I know this decision may upset some of you, but it has been taken due to valid and, most importantly, precautionary reasons. Firstly, I have come to realize that the blog deserves a dedicated YouTube channel, rather than a “loaned” one which also features content that has nothing to do with the band.

Secondly, and moreover, I have concrete suspicions that the Liechtenstein1993 channel is being targeted by a bad actor, who is trying their best to take it down. Mere days ago it was hacked and, luckily, I was able to get it back in my possession before any damage had been done to it. Soon after that, I have begun to receive copyright strikes on some of the content.

The way YouTube works is that if one gets three strikes within a certain span of time, the channel is automatically deleted. One will lose everything, and getting it back online is a colossal endeavor. To avoid such issues and headaches, I have decided to separate and redirect the Goo Goo Dolls stuff I have uploaded on my personal channel to one which is official and entirely dedicated to the band sponsored by this blog.

All of the videos will feature the same quality and descriptions. In a nutshell, it will be a smooth switchover within the same platform.

I ask you to subscribe to the new channel: Temple Of Goo.

As a final note, I hope this transition will not annoy you that much. In modern times, when one is a content creator, there are numerous hurdles to deal with, especially when you are utilizing material over which you have no copyright claim. Because the Temple Of Goo is a receptacle to such type of content, sometimes drastic measures ought to be taken in order to keep the stuff you want to share publicly available online for as long as possible.

Temple Of Goo staff